Wednesday 2 July 2014


sun and moon in the same sky... ‘one home a year’... the end of dictionaries, photographs, nature… the beginning of drifting objects...

small creatures which are blind... 'this rain is our practice'... the end of furniture… the beginning of the robotic moment…

the emotions of people you never knew… the minimum space necessary for you to occupy… the end of second-guessing… the beginning of ‘very simple decision making’…

"... For forests, hills, fire and water alone have voices, speak a language.  We've lost the secret of it, although the memory of an august accord, of the ineffable alliance of intelligence and things, cannot be forgotten even by the lowliest.  The voice that we no longer understand is still friendly, fraternal, a maker of serene peace."
    -- George Bernanos, (quoted in "Biogea" by Michel Serres)

Intelligent preparation… ... a single field in bloom… the end of logic trees… the beginning of hypothesis-free research...

the rhythm of the printer... the differences in our lives... the end of ‘the near future’... the beginning of the postcard apocalypse...

nameless, cinematic feelings… diagrams of complex thoughts...  the end of portable altars… the beginning of ‘Live Like An Address’...

the photographer of insects... partially blocked windows… the end of the era of handwriting…  the beginning of the forest of passwords...

"To progress in life you must give up the things that you do not like. Give up doing the things that you do not like to do. You must find the things that you do like. The things which are acceptable to your mind. You can see that you will have to have time to yourself to find out what appeals to your mind. While you go along with others you are not really living your life. To rebel against others is just as futile. You must find your way."
   -- Agnes Martin, “notebooks”

84,000 sutras… pure colours... restraining hands... ‘is merely the thing’...

(I thought I was writing. It was beautiful.)